Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Solarium sheeting down

I had to go out a minute ago and cut down the plastic sheeting for the solarium. It was blowing so violently I was afraid it was going to do some damage like taking down the phone or power cables. 

The problem is that the dogs knocked down two panels of sheathing. Before then, it blocked the wind. After they knocked those two panels down, instead of blocking the wind, it acted like a scoop. When the wind blew, it blew the sheeting upward.

Oh, well. Even if it didn't do any damage, it was more than a little annoying and I'm sure it was irritating the neighbors. 

It had to be replaced because of the damage already done. No way I could save it. 

Too dark and windy tonight, so I left the sheeting on the ground, attached enough to prevent it from becoming airborne. I'm sure by the time I go to pick it up tomorrow it will be covered with dog shit. 

Guess it won't be much good for seedlings this year. See if I can figure something out but it is getting barely warm enough that I can move most seedlings out soon, long as they're already started. And as long as I kep the dogs away from the seedlings.

Oh, yeah. Had to reattach a section of poultry netting today because the puppies managed to rip that section loose. They were getting in the garden, trampling the rows, crapping everywhere, sitting in the middle like they were entitled to be there and chewing things up. I already had to replace a sprinkler which I had less than a week. I've chased them out multiple times a day, turned the hose on them and they still don't learn.

Some people may find the dogs behavior cute and playful. I just find it stubborn and destructive. And the marking of territory (which is not their territory) disgusting.

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