Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Doggy downers

The dog remains way too hyper and with warm weather actually seems to be getting worse. It's difficult to even walk around her. No commands and keeping her tied up don't do any good to teach her. Let her off the line and she keeps trying to dig into the rabbit hutch. Can no longer allow her in the house. She urinates on the floor when she's petted. Worse than that, she wags her tail against objects and the ground with such force that she has abrased the skin off many times and slings blood all over people, walls, furniture, etc.

I have to do something to calm her down. So I'm trying some herbal stuff. St John's, Valerian and Meltonin. Tried Melatonin alone to no effect. I don't want to drug her out, just calm her down. Have to play around and see what works best.

Of course, dealing with this isn't great for my own anxiety level. But my combination seems to be doing a lot of good. Mixture of meditation, melatonin, magnesium, money (lol!) and benadryl. Doesn't hurt that my knee is almost completely well and I've cut back on coffee. Been taking creatine and arginine to improve my hydration. Each bit helps.

So does sleep.

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