Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rotten Tuesday

Should have known yesterday was not going to be a great day. First day back after a long weekend. Not an issue for me (aside from waking up so early after sleeping until 9 for four days) but for most people..

Nothing seemed to be working properly yesterday. Computers at work. Internet on my phone was down all night. Bank phone system. But mostly people. Resentful they had to actually do their jobs, no matter how slow it was.

Three weeks until this contract ends and I'm really looking forward to finding something else. Actively looking and the phone is ringing at least daily. Have an interview on the 23rd, day after contract ends. Have to call another employer back today.

Got home to find the dog not only dug under the hutch but tore up two of the largest container tomatoes. She's remaining on the tie out line. (Which still runs the width of the yard and 15 ft each side of the line. Much more than most dog runs allow.)

Hope today is better. Shouldn't have to have a CYA feeling every day at a job. That's what I hate about politics. People who play politics on the job are much more concerned with politics than medicine or anything else. I won't sink to that level.

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