Sunday, January 9, 2011

More digging

When I'm really anxious, three things help me most. One is working. Nuff sed there. Another is writing. Third is working in the garden. (Studying a new subject helps sometimes but not always.)

So today did some more digging. Decided it would be best to dig the soil out and mound it, mix it with more leaves, compost, ammonia and vinegar and then spread it back out. Lets me get things distributed deeper and more evenly. Avoids missing areas. Going down that deep, I can treat heavily with ammonia below root level as I spread the soil back out. As it breaks down, it becomes a gas and rises through the soil and feeds the plants.

Daughter didn't mind. She played on the mounds of dirt and talked me into making a moat in the canals I dug. Knew she would. That's why I dug it that way.

Moved the bunny hutch this morning. Daughter was amused at how much debris was left behind. And at the dog sniffing around it.

We walked to the store, watched some videos, read some books and played on the seesaw but overall it was a slow Sunday.

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