Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bus rides and shopping

This morning, my daughter decided to try selling lemonade out in front of the house. Made the lemonade herself and did a really good job.. Well, after being encouraged to add a bit more lemon. Only had one to start, so we walked across the street for more. She made a sign all by herself. But it only served so much purpose. She's a rather aggressive salesperson. Not happy to sit and wait for customers, she started pouring glasses and taking them to people's houses to sell them. Gave a couple away to kids who said they had no money. Sold several glasses, more than I expected for this neighborhood, even at $0.25 a glass. Then she came back and said she wanted to give me the money to help buy a new car. I thanked her but told her to keep it.

Think biggest concern for her is being able to go places and do things with me.

But we hopped the bus to go to the store today. Buses have books for kids on them, so we read several books together. She got to sit with me, of course. We ate at the in-store restaurant and walked to a nearby park after shopping. Don't think she minds the bus quite so much any more.

Think I'll try to make my next vehicle a small pickup, which will seat her up front and next to me.

She managed to get most of the neighborhood kids over here to play in the back yard this afternoon. Then we had dinner, watched Berenstain Bears and read part of a book before her mother picked her up.

Now it's me and Tobe Hooper until time for bed. A really good day.

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