Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting ready for spring

As of now, I have a house full of seeds potted. Not expecting them to take off as fast as last year. Not using lamps and heating pads this year. But then last year I started many things too early and they died off. Some because they got too large for the containers before it was warm enough for them outside. Some were just the wrong things to start so early. Now I'm intentionally letting things grow a bit slower and choosing seeds carefully. Started spinach and broccoli seeds tonight. Daughter and I planted flower seeds this morning. Zinnia and bluebonnets. Vegetables are cool weather crops and flowers take time to grow before they bloom. Waiting til later to plant vining, fast growing and warmer weather plants.

The manual tiller finally showed some real use today. Pulled back the plastic on much of the covered section of garden and used the manual tiller to break up the soil more deeply than it has been until now. It tore out all the dead grass and weeds. But I still left most of them in place to add more organics to the soil later. Before planting I'll use the manual rotating cultivator to break everything up well. Today, watered it down an covered it back up. Have a couple more rows to do later. Soil is looking really good with the desired effects. Garden will be ready when the time comes. Yay!

It's good when my crazy ideas work out.

Daughter and I had a good day. Playing in the yard, seesaw, tug of war with the dog, ice cream, reading books and hide and seek.

Still seeing series of identical numbers. Last 24 hours, saw them multiple times and not always on the clock, never when I could even subconsciously plan it. Always where it couldn't be missed.

Not much else going on tonight. Get to bed soon.

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