Friday, January 28, 2011

28 hours

Got called in to work last night. Definite indication that the agency is having problems. The hospital called me directly and asked me to come in. They even paid for the taxi for me to get there.

One problem seems to be the phone setup at the agency. While there to get my check this morning, they were trying to resolve an issue of a nurse who called in sick. The agency didn't get the message for several hours. Until after the shift started. By then the hospital had listed the nurse as no call, no show.

Been getting word that the ER director who was blocking LPN's from working in ER is no longer there and the staff has been asking for me. Maybe I can start getting more work there again.

So I got enough pay to survive for a few days.

Downside to working last night was that between being up during the day, working and going to get my check, I was awake for 28+ hours. Meant to get up and get some stuff done after a short nap. Didn't happen. Woke up at sunset.

Still no W2. Hate the fact that if they screw anything up it makes it that much later before I can do the taxes.

Guess I'll harvest more marigold seeds while watching TV and get to bed early.

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