Monday, January 31, 2011

Cold front

The cold front arrived earlier than originally forecast. Actually two fronts converging. Supposed to be cold for the next few days. As low as 2 degrees Thur night.

Decided to make some vinegar for use in the garden. I have all the stuff needed to make beer, which is all that's needed for vinegar. This should be (I hope) simpler and faster than beer. Since it's not for consumption, not worrying about sterility very much but everything is clean. Just using straight sugar and fast acting baker's yeast. Added a few ounces of various kinds of vinegar, which should speed up the process. Cooler weather slows the process down but doesn't stop it. Making it in a 5 gal carboy. Not sure how fast or strong it will be but if it doesn't come out too strong I'll have plenty of it. There won't be any need for filtering, since the dead yeast at the end will be good for the garden.

Hope I start hearing things back from employers and agencies today.

If I didn't have things to keep my mind occupied I think I'd be losing my grip by now. I may write a lot but not otherwise grasping for attention from others.

Little after 10- Got up and moving a little. Turned out that while it was cloudy this morning (clear now), it wasn't cold. Never even froze last night. Maybe a warm front being pushed ahead of the cold front. Not uncommon.

Dug another row. Soil is still loose and it didn't take long. Then tested the soil pH on that row. It's neutral to weakly acidic! Yay! Only a little further to go with that. It's about 6.0 now. I'd like it around 5.5. Much better than the 7.0 or above previously. But even where it stands, things should now grow there where they wouldn't before.

Left a walkway through the center of the garden about 3 ft wide and with trenches before the rows on each side. A few feet out from the far end of the walkway I'll make one raised circular bed for flowers.

Can't fully form the north side yet. The raised beds are there with garlic and spinach growing. Once the garlic is harvested, I can take up the raised beds and form rows. That probably won't be until June or July. Do what I can between until then. Have 15 garlic growing which are visible now but a lot more planted.

No word yet on any work tonight. Hope I at least get my W2 today.

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