Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Didn't get a whole lot done today. In a bit of pain. Not a whole lot but some. Turns out I pulled a muscle in my back and strained my right shoulder yesterday. That was while moving a stone block I estimate at around 300 lbs with a dolly which was too small for the purpose. (I have a larger dolly but the wheel needed repair at the time, now done..too late.) didn't realize the damage to myself until starting to do things this morning.

Still, got most of the remaining loose leaves raked up or raked in. Gave the dog a very needed bath. Did dishes.

Mostly just watched TV while harvesting flower seeds. Some chrysanthemum seeds but mostly marigold seeds. Still have a lot of dry flowers to harvest seeds from but so far estimate I have over 10k seeds. Should result in a few flowers. Though think I may plant a few test seeds to see if maybe I need to winterize the rest.

But now I need to take a bath myself and get to bed.

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