Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Strategic maneuver

I've decided to make a strategic maneuver. Going to go ahead and declare bankruptcy. Look for a lawyer over the next week or so.

I'm not trying to declare the kind where debts are removed but the kind where a payment plan is involved. Of course, this is not my first choice in things but seems the best route to go. It will allow me to keep the house, decrease payments and end threats from bill collectors. Especially the mortgage company.

There is another reason for the decision. I've wanted for many years to go back and get my RN degree. Declaring bankruptcy will make this a much more realistic goal. As an LPN I have seen my employment options (and respect level) drop on a daily basis until I have no choice. I cannot maintain a living wage or reliable schedule as an LPN. By getting my RN, my income will nearly double from the moment I get my license.

After that, I can then discharge or exit the bankruptcy early on a voluntary basis. It will take a huge bite out of my credit rating but once my income increases with the RN license, it will be somewhat offset.

During the same time, I can still be working on the garden, the solarium and possibly arrange to begin growing medical marijuana. If that works, it will mean an additional income stream.

Right now need a short nap before work tonight.

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