Thursday, February 3, 2011

Better than expected

Started trimming the plants moved into the living room and kitchen. Lots of dead leaves. Had a couple of smaller plants, probably runners, which pretty much had to be cut down to soil level. Maybe dead but I'll give them a chance to recover. Don't want to put other plants through transplant shock right now, any way.

In the end, things looked much better than expected! Three pepper plants survived. A little droopy but they'll recover. One even has about four small peppers on it. Also four tomato plants with around 15 small tomatoes forming. A number of pea vines, some okay and some look rather weak. Not sure any will ever produce but wait and see. All the sprouting flowers are okay.

Had to spray everything but peas heavily with insecticidal soap due to whitefly larvae. Not many adults but the larvae and pupae were doing lots of harm.

Several of the tomato seedlings which remained in the living room are getting tall enough to need staking soon. Going to have to start moving them to bigger containers or the roots will get overcrowded. Made that mistake before. Moved three into one very large planter where the brandywine previously resided. Have to split some up because I have multiple seedlings in each cup and they'll overcrowd each other. Haven't counted but figure over 60 seedlings now. Also going to have to start doing those cuttings from the 8 ft tall tomato plant. It's got two bunches of flowers now and getting to tall. Some vines are beyond the supports and hanging down.

Have to hop the bus, go do my taxes at the library.

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