Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I seem to have a life filled with unstable people and situations. Always on the verge of something but just out of reach.

My agency (at corporate level) decided to end the daily pay option. This morning, that is. Holding my pay for last night. Local office is going to try and pay it out by direct deposit this week.

For another day, the hospital had me scheduled. Then canceled. Then tried to call me in 5 minutes before the bus was due. Agency was trying to see if hospital would pay for a taxi but I decided against it. Not enough sleep, not feeling so great. Had a cough this morning. Probably just allergies but combined with my irritation and each feeding on each other, decided I would stay home. Keep myself the one stable element in my life.

The manipulative drug seeking patient I was assigned last night plus having first admission of the shift and last admission of the shift did rather lend to my decision.

The weather is just as reliable as the people. Nice and warm during the day. By mid-week next week supposed to remain around 40 at night. Then drop back to low 20's.

I'm really tired of instability in general but mostly the preventable kind.

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