Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking up

Things seem to be looking up. I've made that statement before and felt foolish for it not much later. Guess that's normal. We think things are going well until the bottom drops out. Can sometimes cause us to become superstitious or not believe it when things improve, waiting for the next drop.

But as long as I can keep things going in this direction, I will.

Taxes accepted. If all goes well the refund will come in with just enough time to avoid foreclosure on the house. Once it's brought to date I'm going to bring the house payment ahead by 2-3 months as quickly as I can, even if I have to do it $10 at a time. In the meantime, have to get the lawyer paid. The amount I save each month in bbankruptcy will be enough to live on decently. Never taking out another loan in my life after that.

Crew cut the branches over the power lines this morning. Guy I talked with yesterday was the foreman. Today he promised to drop off a whole truck full of chipped wood in the yard for me! Mulch! I will have to compost it enough that nothing sprouts, so need to buy lots of ammonia and couple rolls of black plastic sheeting. But in a few weeks it will be useable. Cool!

Both agencies now seem to be actively trying to get work for me. Plus agency work is picking up. Last night there was not a single staff nurse in the ER, they were all agency. Good news for me! May have to just get used to the idea of less sleep for a while but that's okay.

At least until the cycle is running. Think I'll take the more expensive but faster and easier route of having a professional cycle mechanic fix it. Have it picked up later in the week. Worth the investment because I know it's nothing major. No engine rebuild or anything like that. The increased flexibility and lower gas costs will pay for themselves quickly. Then I need to get some good books on cycle repair.

On the bus and getting near work while phone battery is kinda low. Hope things keep going as they are.

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