Sunday, February 20, 2011

Little cooler

Bit cooler and cloudy today. Forecast has changed to being a few degrees cooler for the next few days. Hope it doesn't have major negative effects in the garden. Last year I had planted some things, then we had a cold spell, including significant snow. Killed off a few things but mostly delayed seeds from sprouting.

May have to just start over with the ornamental corn. Some of the plants have died off. Not because of weather. Because of the dog. If she doesn't dig them up, she tramples the rows. Learned last year for certain that staggering plantings with corn doesn't work well. Grows best if many plants mature at once.

The dog is going to be a definite problem this summer. She's a good dog but runs rampant, playing and sometimes digging. Don't have the materials to build a fence and can't spend the money for that at this time. May have to do so in a few weeks, though. Not sure how else to solve the problem. Putting up trellises will stop some of it but not all. May start on those later this week for that purpose.

The peas I've had inside have been a failure. Some are still alive but just barely. Just going to give up on those, pull them out and salvage the potting soil for other purposes.

Pepper seedlings are coming up slowly. Very slowly. Same with the sweet corn. These were all planted in resident garden soil, which is still a bit dense. Fact that they're growing is promising but the soil seems to still be too dense for small plants. Probably be okay once they've gained strength and developed root structure. Works the same way in nature. Seeds start in the loose surface soil, then expand their roots down into more dense soil beneath. But who knows? Maybe this will result in slower but hardier plants. Have to wait and see.

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