Monday, February 21, 2011

A shrinking pile

The mulch pile now has a really healthy dent in it. There's an area by the back gate, under the trees where I'm hoping to grow a second large flower patch. So I spread some seeds and raked them in, then spread a few inches of rough mulch over there. Seems like a good place to use the larger pieces which are too long for the main garden, mixed with some of the smaller bits.

In the main garden, wind, water and weight have settled the mulch down to a much thinner covering. Not to mention the dog running and digging in spots. She's beginning to learn to stay out of the garden..when I'm watching her. Just natural forces have left some spots bare and shown where more was needed. Plus I wanted to spread more on the sides of the mounds, especially on the southern side, which gets the most sun all year. With temperatures dipping just slightly below freezing at night, good idea to have a thicker layer laid down.

I believe one benefit to mulching should be that seeds planted and then covered with mulch should grow. Maybe I'm wrong on that point, just have to wait and see. If I'm right, I should have an early start on some crops. If wrong, I have well over 100 seedlings started inside right now. Main things I want to direct plant are things like carrots and lettuce. Tiny seeds which you grow lots of individual plants. Hoping to grow hundreds of each this year.

I've read different advice on preventing mulch from decaying. In this case I'm not taking that advice. Still trying to build up the soil. And think that this is just part of an ongoing process. By fall this mulch should be somewhat decayed and it can be turned into the soil, then again in spring. That is, in addition to the continued composting effort. I'll still keep collecting leaves from various places and composting them. Wouldn't bother composting but when you rake up leaves, weeds and seeds often accompany them.

Drawback to spreading the mulch today is, of course, the sprained wrist. Cramped up a few times and now aches up to the shoulder. Still glad to get some of it done.

Today is an in between day. Like everything and everyone is anxious for spring to arrive. The weather is sunny but rather cool. The chicks are antsy and trying to fly out of their box. (Later this week they'll be going out in the coop.) Neighbors are out puttering in their yards. Though I don't know why. I'm the only person who has a yard which grows anything besides weeds and rocks, have the only garden larger than 20 sq ft.

It may sound rude but I tend to reject the claims of some cultures to be in touch or in tune with the earth. When compared with the gardens of Europe and Japan or China, the history and beliefs of the Druids, something rings false. When you have irrigation wells in your yard and/or access to aqueducts adjacent to your land, yet grow nothing but weeds, sand and animal dung, it doesn't seem so in touch to me. Allowing nature to run its' course isn't the case, or native grasses and trees would be allowed to grow, which they rarely are. So the claims just hold no water for me.

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