Saturday, February 12, 2011

Picking up chicks

Happy to say the ex is taking daughter to the circus tomorrow, so she won't miss it this year. Sorry I couldn't take her.

Down side is that it caused my daughter some pretty strong emotional conflict. She had asked if she could spend the day with me tomorrow but didn't want to miss the circus. The conflict made her cry. Made it clear I understand and am not upset, love her and will miss her but want her to have fun.

She made it clear with her mother that she wants to have more time with me, even if it's alternating one day weekends and two day weekends. This was her own idea with no coaching from anyone. Not bad for 8 years old. I'm happy!

We went on the bus and picked up a couple of chicks from the feed store today. Not much selection yet, so we only got two. Get more later. But these should be old enough to lay eggs at a decent date. Have to keep them inside for a few weeks, until warmer weather and when they can maintain their own body temperature. Then have to keep them cooped until big enough to defend themselves.

Got the charger for the cycle battery. Have it charging. Work on the bike tomorrow. Spent $2 extra for one that was automatic over manual and have more safety to not ruin the battery.

For now think I'll get to bed.

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