Saturday, February 19, 2011

Slow start

Off to a slow start this morning. Meant to get up early but slept through the alarm. Digestion still feeling a bit tenuous.

Still, get moving in a few moments. Daughter should be here in under an hour. Weather permitting, we'll go to the zoo today. Bit cloudy right now but forecast is for near 70. But if weather stays cloudy and such, maybe a movie instead.

Have the child support money sitting on the table. Forgot to give it to the ex last weekend. Had it in my pocket, forgot to hand it to her and she didn't mention it. Couldn't get to her house to deliver it. Guess she wasn't desperate for it or she wouldn't have forgotten or would have come back for it.

These brandywine tomato plants are a mystery to me. Never seen tomato plants with so many drooping branches or dying leaves. Then they look fine for a while and go through the same cycle again. Maybe they just need lots of sunlight. Their fruit grows very slowly and sparse. If the same problems continue after they're moved outside I think I'll replace them with something else. Give them the same conditions as the other plants which thrive well.

Okay. Time to get moving.

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