Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More seeds

Didn't get any work tonight, after all. So, another movie. Least this is a good one!

Since I planted things out, tonight I went ahead and started more tomato seeds in containers. Figure if things need replacing outside it's best to have them started inside. If that's not necessary then maybe I can sell the plants, themselves. Had lots of seeds and recovered lots of potting soil from things planted out or failed seed starts. Also recovered plastic and styrofoam cups. So, it cost nothing. Started 44 seeds. Not sure they're all viable but find out soon.

Need to clear out more plastic boxes to be able to start more lettuce seeds, just in case. Largely for the rabbits. That was one reason I planted lots of marigolds. Rabbits love both.

Thought they would get the road paved today but they didn't. They did run a steamroller down the street, so they're getting close. Then they dropped off two more steamrollers. With all the work done here, tearing up the old pavement, digging and placing drainage pipes and grates, leveling and releveling and still need to repave, the total cost is high. May cost as much as $1M for repaving this one block. No question it's running over $500k.

Think I'll get to bed soon.

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