Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Near bottom

Getting close to the bottom of the mulch pile. What remains is about 1/4 of the original size.

Noted while spreading the mulch several things. Some of this mulch is not well cut. Lots of small branches which were not run through the shredder. Lots of people wouldn't use the larger pieces but I see an advantage to it. Using the larger pieces in the lower spaces of the garden (trenches between mounds) protects the sides of the mounds. It also helps support the finer mulch placed on top of the mounds. In a short time the larger pieces will no longer be so large. Between water, sun, traffic from planting and natural decomposition, it will break down.

Obviously, I got canceled from work tonight.

Looks like I do have materials to build a fence. I can build it using some of the remains of the wooden fence I took down along the south of the yard last year. Only I'll be using the slats sideways. Use some of the scrap wood for posts. Instead of setting it in the ground, I'll use some of the cinder blocks for a base. That'll leave the fence somewhat moveable. May not look completely attractive but it could be painted later.

Family Dollar started putting out their spring items. They have seed packets for $0.25 each. And they have a fairly decent seelection of vegetable seeds. So I got some different varieties of carrots, spinach, cucumbers, corn and watermelon. I figure trying a variety increases chances of success.

When I wrote about seeing broccoli sprouts, I had only seen a couple. Wasn't really sure the dog had not displaced many of the seeds. Today I saw a number more sprouts coming up. Though I like broccoli, best part of this is that it demonstrates the soil is in shape and conditions are right for planting. So I'm not being foolish planting this early. While everything I do is based on research and previous less intense experimentation, I do still have questions and doubts. Have I composted enough? Treated enough? Too much? Is there anything in all the previously bare soil which will just not allow growth? Am I indeed foolish for planting so early or will we have a repeat of last year, with a snowstorm coming along and killing anything I planted? No way to predict. Just have to hope my predictions of an early spring are correct.

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