Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A terrible night

Had a terrible night last night.

Went to work and had to have a conference with a nurse manager and a charge nurse about the charting on a patient the night before. In the end I was told I could not work on that unit any more. I was called incompetent, insulted and forced into a corner, then told I was too aggressive for not lying down and just taking it. This was all about something which I have done thousands of times in the past. The method they wanted me to use makes no sense and results in major inaccuracies and false data. No amount of illustrating with paper and a calculator would change their mindset, which was focused only on being right and forcing a confrontation.

Maybe it's all for the best. I think it's a reinforcement of the fact that I need to get out of the medical field here. I can still work in the ER at the same hospital.

My stress level is still through the roof. You can call me ugly, tell me I'm an asshole, tell me I smell bad or even tell me I suck in bed and I won't argue with you, may even agree at times. Don't tell me I'm incompetent or stupid. I have a 137 IQ. I've been a chef, manager, auto/diesel/turbine mechanic, squad leader, team chief, shop supervisor, assistant military instructor and web designer. I've worked in psych, med/surg, ortho, abd-thoracic, neurosurgery, tele, ICU, CCU, ER, hospice and infectious disease. I do freelance writing and am working on various solar and agricultural designs and projects, mostly for diversion. I have been known to read books on economics, physics, sociology, psychology and algebra for fun. I do not take well to being called stupid or incompetent.

Any way, wound up working in the ER for 4 hours. They were overstaffed and I was sent home early. Just as well. Really didn't feel like working at that point.

Now it's time to pick up the pieces. I'm exhausted from trying to balance people's lives on one hand and politics on the other. I need to find something less critical than what I've been doing. Maybe see if I can find the info from the agency that had a contract for the Air Force base. Pays less but it would be stable and not so critical. Politics would suck, most likely but then may have more comeraderie. (Did I spell that right? Hmm.)

For now, think I'll go plant some spinach and carrots. Get my mind off this crap.

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