Monday, March 21, 2011

Windy day

It's that time of year again. Winds were blowing over 35 mph and gusting over 50 today. Combined with humidity of only 7% and the wind just rips moisture right out of everything- skin, leaves, soil.. Meanwhile the dust, sand and allergens blasted by it cause allergies which cannot be escaped.

The Chinese Elms in and around the yard have been dropping thousands of green..things. These make it difficult to tell what is growing and what has fallen, except for the larger sprouts and seedlings. Still better than the white seed pods which will follow in a few weeks.

Daughter and I had a good weekend. Had lunch at BK, went for several walks, collected roly polys, spread flower seeds along the aqueducts, played games, read books, colored.. She seemed to be showing that she misses me when not here with me, hugging me nearly every time she passed me in the hall or kitchen or just randomly. Not like I mind!

Got her something she'll love. A color changing solar light shaped like a butterfly! It was only $3 at Family Dollar!

Between two agencies, I worked two new places in the last few days. Hoping that means more work in the near future and more options overall.

A few more spinach plants are starting to grow but only in the raised beds with the garlic. I really need more ground cover to act as a natural mulch and ad another layer of protection. The lettuce outside isn't growing large enough to be visible more than a few inches away. Lettuce planted inside only a few days ago is sprouting wildly. Going to plant it out tomorrow and avoid having to harden it off. Tonight I planted more spinach inside. Also several types of pumpkin.

I still want to get to Lowe's for ornamental corn and giant pumpkin seeds.

The dog is not very happy tonight. I gave her hot dogs this morning, which made her happy. Then, while I was asleep, the wind blew down the gate section of the fence. She got in the garden, dug up potatoes and left them sitting. She got a good swat on the nose, which I rarely ever do with this dog. Tried many other options, including building a fence. She ignored her dog food to dig up potatoes which she did not eat and destroy mounds. I'll let her be unhappy and she won't be getting any treats for a while. Not sure what it will take for her to learn.

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