Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Now I see

Now I see why this clinic has had people agree to the contract but then not show up in the end. I almost turned it down this morning.

Called and got everything arranged. They emailed some forms to me, so I headed to the library to complete the forms and fax them from there. Got to the library a few minutes before opening. Then I recalled I had not asked about the pay schedule, so I called back to ask. That's when things got hairy.

Seems this agency only pays bimonthly. On the 10th and the 25th(?!). Which means my first check would not be until 4/25. Nearly a month with no pay?! I'm sure this is why nobody has taken the contract. I told them I would not be able to do it. Got a lot of jabber but ultimately told them that I was speaking in practical terms and need money to live on. The schedule removes almost all possibility of working per diem shifts to bridge the gap. Pointed this out as well.

In the end, I wound up getting a sign on bonus. Not a lot but I can live on it combined with some slack from this Friday's check. Still hoping to get a shift tonight or mid-shift tomorrow. I would not have been offered the bonus but I am the last chance for the agency. If I do not take this contract, they lose the contract entirely.

What kills me is that this is a known problem for them. Why not just fix the problem? Risk losing contracts and suffer professional black eyes rather than change their pay schedule? Crazy!

Oh well. Supposed to get the bonus early next week.

Going to be a rough few weeks.

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