Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Still sore

Legs are still sore. Of course, some of the stuff I've been doing doesn't exactly help that condition.

Planted out the best of the container seedlings. Scattered some marigold and chrysanthemum seeds. If a fraction of them take hold, we'll have tens of thousands of flowers this year. What I'm hoping for.

I scattered some marigold seeds at the edges of the park down the street this weekend. What daughter calls the "grassy field". They frequently cut the grass on the field itself but rarely cut grass or weeds around the middle. Nothing worthwhile grows there now.

I had not noticed until now that my mailbox was sitting farther out in front of the property line than anyone else's on this side of my block. They're getting ready to do the actual paving of our street and I looked at the work, then noticed my mailbox could pose a problem when they do the sides. Been planning to move it and rebuild it, any way. Missed my mail a few times because of neighbors parked in front of the box and it's been rickety from being hit by vehicles in the past. So I took it down. Post was an old, huge welded ship's chain. In the desert. WTF? One of the welds broke while trying to take it out. So I cut one link with a hacksaw. Bent it with a huge prybar and removed the top piece. One of the guys working on the street offered to cut the rest off. He used a large pavement saw on wheels and it was done in seconds. I buried what was left well below surface level. Then I piled up cinder blocks and set the box on top. I'll have to knock old mortar and stucco off before I make it permanent. Don't want to do that while they're paving.

Need to take a short nap. Allegedly supposed to work tonight.

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