Monday, March 28, 2011

Here we go again

So the weather forecast has dropped any predictions of frost or near frost again. Lowest temp on the 15 day forecast is 37 F.

Doesn't look like a protracted trial of the iron sulfate will be necessary. The front yard already shows signs of green which were definitely not there before treatment yesterday. So using crushed dietary iron supplement tabs from the dollar store will work as a soil amendment. And only costs less than $0.50 per treatment for the entire front and back yard, instead of $8 or more. I do note that anything already growing which has been treated with any form of iron has turned a darker shade of green in the last few days. So, no complaints about the Ironite. I still needed a garden sprayer and haven't found one at any discount stores. And I wouldn't have read the label and gotten inspiration for the dietary supplement pills if I had not done that.

I keep getting sulphur and phosphorous mixed up. Using Epsom Salt does help the garden because it is Magnesium Sulfate. The garden does need Mag and SO4 but I still haven't found a good source for Phos.

I'm understanding the need for walls and fences here more than I did. New Mexicans are highly invasive people as individuals and as a culture. Now that the front wall is down and the street paved, I have watched as several people have driven their vehicles right onto the edge of my front lawn. This is a fairly wide street and this is not necessary. Pavement is wide enough for two cars to pass each other and there is room to park cars on each side of the road without touching the pavement. Yet these people will build and keep their own walls to keep each other from doing the same thing. How special. Better to build walls and fences than a culture of mutual respect. I want to plant trees and bushes out there at some point. Can't do it if they'll be run over. Guess I'll have to dig the trench from the fence back out. Fill it with broken cinder block and maybe add short pieces of rebar later. That would be dull enough to walk on, low enough to step over but sharp enough to puncture tires. Teach these jokers some manners.

Called the agency. They say I should hear back today. Resume was submitted Fri and mine was the only one they submitted. How cool is that?

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